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A Call For Wholehearted  Commitment

Writer: edinburgfirstedinburgfirst

 The “title” that precedes Deuteronomy 6 in the Bible is “A Call For Wholehearted 

 Commitment.” Deuteronomy 6 is where Moses gives the law to God’s people. He says: 

     “These are the commands, decrees, and regulations that the LORD your God commanded me to teach you. You must obey them in the land you are about to enter and occupy, and you and your children and grandchildren must fear the LORD your God as long as you live.”

     If they/we obey these laws, life will be good for them/us. If we do not obey… well… not so good. I keep coming back to the title (which isn’t really part of the scripture – that’s added for clarity’s sake when moving into another section). A call for WHOLEHEARTED commitment. A call for wholehearted COMMITMENT. The emphasized words are the words that usually make congregations uncomfortable. Ya know which word makes me uncomfortable? CALL. Moses’ role was to CALL the people to obedience, to call them to commitment, to call them to be close to the Lord. Moses had the favor of the Lord, he had the authority of the Lord… and he was completely outnumbered. At least a million people, who could turn on him at any moment. A million people who would complain, grumble, threaten, hold Moses accountable when things didn’t go well. And if he could have, Moses would have obeyed for all of them. But he couldn’t. He could only teach the law, issue the call, and trust God for the rest.

     So, though I decided to take a more light-hearted approach to our stewardship campaign theme, I am issuing the call to wholehearted commitment. Our pledge cards will look different, our process will look different, we will ask our online family to make a commitment as well.

This year, and probably every year after, I’m going to ask for 100% participation from 100% of our congregation and EFUMC family. Deuteronomy 6 commands that we love the Lord our God with ALL of our heart, soul, and strength AND give ourselves WHOLEHEARTEDLY to the commands of God. We are called to love and obey. I like to describe it this way, ‘obedience is God’s love language.’ 

     This year’s stewardship campaign is about so much more than setting the budget and gauging financial priorities in ministry. We are being called back or maybe for the first time, into a wholehearted commitment to our relationship with God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. The call is for all of the EFUMC family to put God first. God commands that we give back to God from our first fruits. This means, we commit to scheduling our daily time with God first (whatever time of day that is) and we build the rest of our schedule around that. We commit to schedule our time of ministry and service to God’s people first, and then build the rest of our schedule around that. We commit to attend worship first (put it in your calendar) and build the rest of our schedule/calendar around that. We commit to scheduling time in the scripture for prayer and study first, and then build the rest of our commitments around that. God is placed first in our attention and affection. 

     It also means, as we set our personal budgets and financial goals, we commit to what we are willing to cheerfully give and put it in our budget first, and build rest our budget around that. The biblical command around giving sets the tithe as the standard. However, there are countless scriptures, both Old and New Testament, that make it clear, what you give is set between you and the Lord – you decide in your own heart and then commit. God’s portion first – whatever that amount is – is set aside and given first. God commands our first, our best, and that is to be given with joy and affection for God to do the work of God in our communities. 

     In Nehemiah, when the Israelites return to Jerusalem, they rebuild the wall around the city and when it is finished, they listen to the priest Ezra read the Law of Moses (Torah). Nehemiah (the governor), Ezra (the priest) the people in roles of leadership, and ALL THE PEOPLE sign a pledge to return to obedience (God’s love language) and to care for the Temple, and each other. The fact that they sign a pledge is important. In all commitments, its important to have a means of accountability. 

     Not that anyone was going to come back to any individual and say “you owe” or “you didn’t do.” It was for the person who signed the pledge to remember that it was/is important to THEM to keep God first. Sometimes, when life is complicated and unexpected things come up, we have to accommodate those things. It’s easy to give what is God’s time, God’s offering, to fill the gap, for lots of reasons. But it shouldn’t be. 

Giving what is rightfully God’s to other things and other people is basically idol worship (see all of the Old Testament). 

     Hear the call to wholehearted commitment. Heed the call to wholehearted commitment. My prayer is that 100% of the EFUMC family/friends will engage with 100% of the commitment. I’ve challenged our community before to “prove the tithe” by giving a full ten percent of your income for one month as part of our stewardship campaign. This year, I’m asking for something different, something more powerful, more meaningful. For the month of October, daily schedule God first, for prayer, scripture, service and on Sundays include worship attendance. Set your monthly budget and give to God first and generously. Whatever amount of time, set aside God’s time first and honor it. Whatever amount of giving, set aside God’s portion first and give it joyfully. Protect that time and those gifts. Give them only to the Lord. Don’t wait to see what’s left over or what you can squeeze in. Place God first. We can be uncomfortable together.

Answering the Call, 

Pastor Michelle


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